嗨 ! 我叫陳品全。 來自台灣桃園,是一名網站系統開發人員,並具備主機及網路架構等相關知識,嚮往開發高可靠及高可用性系統.
Hi! My English name is William Chen. I'm from Taoyuan, Taiwan, and am a web system developer with knowledge in hosting and network architecture. I aspire to develop systems that are highly reliable and available.
In addition to software development, I also have experience in equipment automation, intelligence, and the integration and coordination between devices and systems.
If any business owners are interested in collaborating or want to learn more, feel free to contact me at any time.
Moreover, I have a strong interest in photography and heavy motorcycles. If you'd like to become friends, feel free to add me on Facebook.
Nov. 2021 - now
台灣創新產業、永聯物流開發(Ally Logistic Property, ALP),熟悉物流營運知識及開發技能等。如 JAVA,Spring mvc,Mybatis,PostgreSQL...
Taiwan's innovative industry, Ally Logistic Property (ALP), is well-versed in logistics operations knowledge and development skills, such as JAVA, Spring MVC, Mybatis, PostgreSQL, etc.
My main responsibilities include integrating with upstream WMS, connecting with downstream automated equipment, designing core system processes for shared warehousing, B2B data exchange, product integration, various strategic dashboards, and dock management, among others.
Sept. 2020 - Aug. 2021
服務於亞太第一大通路商SYNNEX,規劃評估與導入自動化設備,如自動倉儲ASRS 、搬運機器人AMR 、分揀系統Sorter等。
Working at SYNNEX, the largest distributor in the Asia-Pacific region, I am involved in planning, assessing, and implementing automated equipment, such as Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS), Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR), and sorting systems like Sorters. My hands-on experience includes evaluating the introduction of intelligent warehousing equipment for new warehouses in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, at SYNNEX.
Additionally, I understand the integration of PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and electrical control equipment with ERP systems, demonstrating a capability to combine software and hardware applications.
Sept. 2015 - Sept. 2020
服務於亞太第一大通路商SYNNEX,開發物流網站ERP,熟悉物流營運知識及開發技能等。如 JAVA,Spring boot,Spring,Struts,Hibernate,Oracle...
Working at SYNNEX, the largest distributor in the Asia-Pacific region, I developed a logistics website ERP, demonstrating proficiency in logistics operations knowledge and development skills, such as JAVA, Spring Boot, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Oracle, etc.
My responsibilities include developing logistics ERP functions, B2B data exchange, developing shared functionalities for the group, and integrating and applying equipment with the ERP system.
Mar. 2013 - Aug. 2015
中央大學網路學習科技研究所教學系統開發,開發國中小網站教育系統,熟悉技術如 PHP,CodeIgniter,PDO,MySql..
At the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology at National Central University, I developed educational systems for junior high and elementary school websites, utilizing technologies such as PHP, CodeIgniter, PDO, and MySQL.
The educational system, in addition to a teaching platform, includes platforms for parents and teachers. My primary responsibilities encompass account and permission system management.
As a system administrator for the parent platform, I provide online courses, interactive assignments, grading and rewards, and tracking of students' learning progress.
2023 - now
Department of Computer Science
就讀於台灣台北淡江大學資訊工程研究所。 論文以數據科學家為基礎,專攻於資料探勘(Data Mining),研究方向為 High Utility Itemsets Mining。
Studied at the Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan. The thesis is based on data scientists and researched on High Utility Itemsets Mining.
2015 - 2015
JAVA system design
對於網站開發熱衷程度高,並再次於資策會學習其他進階語言,如JAVA及Android App開發,資料庫則使用Oracle。
Focus on system developing. learn JAVA and Android App development, database using Oracle.
2012 - 2012
PHP system design
Focus on system developing. The front-end language includes HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, the back-end is mainly PHP, and the database is Mysql.
2009 - 2011
Bachelor of Science
畢業於台灣桃園清雲科技大學電子系。 求學階段學習電子電路及電機等相關知識。
Graduated from the Department of Electronics, Qingyun University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan. Majored in electronic circuits and motors.